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Rendez-vous in Shanghai 2010

Outside the walls

8th Shanghai Biennale

In collaboration with the Museum, the National School of Fine Arts of Lyon and the Institute of Contemporary Art in Villeurbanne, the Shanghai Biennale honors 4 young artists connected with the Région Rhône-Alpes at an exceptional occasion: the one of the Expo 2010 Shanghai, entitled "Better City, better Life".

This event is possible thanks to the support of Région Rhône-Alpes.


Delphine Balley
Born in 1974 in Romans, lives and works in Lyon.
Delphine Balley's photographic series reconstruct and dramatise news items, family situations, pre- or post-crime scenes and true stories with thoroughness and a pronounced taste for motif and detail. These playlets, as metaphors of everyday life, are closed, timeless spaces that skilfully combine reality and fantasy. The artist's creative quirkiness transports the spectator into an unusual, strange, worrying, sometimes unsettling universe which is also marked by humour and derision. Armed with her camera, Balley moves between the chronic, the journalistic, narration, the tale and the cinema. From her multiple influences (Velázquez, Goya, Ellroy, Kubrick) she has inherited a particular type of perception, and with her framings, lighting schemes and subtle compositions she makes pictures that are both classical and innovative.

Chourouk Hriech
Born in 1977 in Bourg-en-Bresse, lives and works in Marseille.
With her love of dance, music and archaeology, Chourouk Hriech is developing a project around drawing; but she is also interested in installations and photography. Her research is based on observing landscapes in mutation, and on navigating through worlds that give themselves up to it. Her explorations and exhibitions in Spain, Morocco, Britain and Norway provide rich, diverse spaces that inspire her "graphic samplings".

Marlène Mocquet
Born in 1979 in Maison Alfort, lives and works in Paris.
Marlène Mocquet's art is an enigma. Its formal lexicon seems to oscillate between many oppositions: beauty and ugliness, skilled craft and unmastered technique, subtlety and roughness, strangeness and credulity... It is also a painting of textures, colors, techniques and formats. It is also a painting that feeds on the Classics, to whom it occasionally borrows figures and subjects that become its own. It is the production of a mind that transcripts its own joys, sorrows, fears, desires and obsessions, which are also partly ours. This painting could be thought to be the work of hazard and hesitation, but it proves to be deeply structured by mastered techniques, complex elaborations and precise compositions.

Vincent Olinet
Born in 1981 in Lyon, lives and works in Brussels and Singapore.
Vincent Olinet provides a window on the world through a vision that is always unusual and distinctive, with alternative perspectives and fantastical narrations. Concentrated onto itself, but never veering into arrogance, his work is serious in its frivolity, with the playfulness and pleasures of quality and importance. Juggling popular subjects and objects, he distorts them according to his caprices and delirious imagination, with installations and ecstatic drawings that are detached from the world. He likes creating disaster out of objects and concepts whose mildness and magic he parodies by thrusting reality right at them.


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Texte En savoir plus : Gauche

Born of collaboration between the  Région Rhône-Alpes   and the City of Shanghai, Rendez-vous in Shanghai 2010 gives the opportunity to young French artists to benefit of a visibility in the international art scene, as well as a very large audiences.

Four artists, selected in the past Rendez-vous, will present at the Shanghai Art Museum their new works on the theme of the 8th Shanghai Biennale: Rehearsal.

Texte En savoir plus : Droite


Musée d'art contemporain de Lyon:
Thierry Raspail, director
Isabelle Bertolotti, head of project

Ecole nationale des beaux-arts de Lyon:
Yves Robert, director

Institut d'art contemporain, Villeurbanne:
Nathalie Ergino, director