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Catalogue Effondrement des Alpes
Date created: 01/15/2025
Changed date: 01/15/2025
2e Journal
D'après l'exposition Effondrement des Alpes en 2021 au macLYON.

Catalogue Delphine Balley
Date created: 03/15/2022
Changed date: 01/15/2025
Figures de cire
Foreword by Isabelle Bertolotti, texts by Agnès Violeau and Chantal Pontbriand, conversation between Delphine Balley and Melanie Pocock.
168 pages, exhibition's views. Bilingual FR/ENG
Co-edition macLYON & Bernard Chauveau

Catalogue Christine Rebet
Date created: 01/15/2025
Changed date: 01/15/2025
Pour son exposition au macLYON en 2021, Christine Rebet réinterprète les traumatismes personnels et collectifs et mêle histoire et fiction dans des univers fantasmés.
Ed. bilingue français, anglais.

Catalogue Edi Dubien
Date created: 12/28/2020
Changed date: 01/15/2025
L'Homme aux mille natures
Texts by Matthieu Lelièvre and Eva Hayward, foreword and interview by Isabelle Bertolotti.
216 pages, exhibition's views
Co-edition macLYON & Liénart

Catalogue A Family Story
Date created: 04/28/2022
Changed date: 04/28/2022
Collection Robelin
Foreword by Isabelle Bertolotti and Sylvie Ramond, interview by Camille Morineau, texts by Julie Verlaine.
256 pages, 300 illustrations. Bilingual FR/ENG
Co-edition macLYON & Lienart
ISBN : 978-2-35906-374-5
30 €

Catalogue Huang Yong Ping
Date created: 10/21/2020
Changed date: 10/21/2020
With essays by Thierry Raspail (director of the mac LYON), Donatien Grau (critic and writer), Doryun Chong (curator in MoMA, New York), Deirdre Emmons (curator in musée des Confluences, Lyon) and many exhibitions views.
Co-édition mac LYON / kamel mennour
160 pages, 40 €

Catalogue Imagine Brazil
Date created: 08/27/2020
Changed date: 08/27/2020
The Imagine Brazil catalogue boasts texts by some 36 authors and art critics on the subject of the artists involved in the exhibition, as well as on the different Brazilian art scenes that exist today. It features an illustrated volume in English (255 pages) and a booklet of the texts translated into French (64 pages).

Catalogue Pascale Marthine Tayou
Date created: 08/26/2020
Changed date: 08/26/2020
346 pages
Bilingual: French/English
ISBN : 2-906461-84-9
45 €

Catalogue Indian Highway
Date created: 08/26/2020
Changed date: 08/26/2020
French / English
38 €
Buchhandlung Walter Konig, 2011
ISBN : 978-3-86560-946-9

Catalogue Rendez-vous 2013
Date created: 08/26/2020
Changed date: 08/26/2020
Poids : 9,75 Mo
The catalogue of the exhibition Rendez-vous 2013, is available for free download. It contains 98 pages and presents the 20 young artists and their works.