The collection

In a few words
The macLYON collection now numbers over 1400 works, the vast majority of which have been shown in group or solo exhibitions organized by the museum. Anchored in the latest developments in the visual arts, the collection features a wide variety of forms, materials and dimensions: performance, painting, video installation, sculpture, sound installation, photography, drawing, film, computer programming and books. It is characterized by a high proportion of monumental installations, indicative of the evolution of art towards the creation of immersive universes that visitors can experience directly.
The MAC and MBA collections were brought together in 2018 to form the Lyon Art Museums Hub, an exceptional ensemble in France and Europe.
Online collection
macLYON has digitized almost its entire collection, which can be consulted online here. Each time you log on, a new selection of works is displayed. The search engine allows you to search by artist, work, keyword, etc.
Acquisitions and donations
Comprising over 1,400 works, the macLYON collection is enriched each year by temporary exhibitions, the Lyon Biennial and contacts with artists. The Cercle 21 foundation, set up in 2019, will also contribute to enriching the collection.
The collection travels
Works from the macLYON collection circulate throughout the world. They are requested on loan by museums or during Biennales, and shown in thematic or monographic exhibitions.