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Daniel Firman

Grey Matter - Exhibition
Exhibition view Daniel Firman
Exhibition view Daniel Firman, La matière grise. Artwork: Nasutamanus, 2012 Courtesy Galerie Perrotin, Hong Kong & Paris. Photo Blaise Adilon © Adagp, Paris, 2023

Grey Matter, Daniel Firman’s first major personal exhibition in a museum, reveals all the facets of his work. He has entirely redesigned the exhibition areas to present already "historical" works in association with some previously unseen creations in a highly original scenographic context.

His interest in everything which constitutes sculpture today is composed "in the manner of a music score." From iconographic and choreographic references to questions closely linked to tradition and sculpture (molding, the body, realism), from sound to space and gesture to image, Daniel Firman has created a veritable polyphony which he presents here for the first time.

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Wednesday to Sunday, 11am - 6pm


On the 2d and 3r floor of the museum

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Texte En savoir plus : Gauche

With this exhibition, Daniel Firman evokes the multiple meanings of the expression Grey Matter. From neuronal matter to earth as a raw material as well as composite industrial materials, interpreting his work becomes immediately reversible and simultaneous. Without ignoring the use of the color grey in contemporary art, this neutral and substantial reference begs the question: can the same thing be understood in two different ways?

Daniel Firman is primarily a visual artist who constructs ‘presence’. For him, shapes as fragments (of the body, time, an object or a word) are essential. They must be ‘efficient’ whilst simultaneously coping with a principle of image.

Texte En savoir plus : Droite

Although the appearance of his work echoes back to the traditional questions of a classical sculptor (weight, shape, matter, the body, gravity and modalities of creation) it can also be seen as being completely modern in the way it considers a working area to be space which is linked to life, performance and effort in order to exist within gesture and avoid considering sculpture to be the result of a sculptor’s program.

Over the two levels of macLYON which house the exhibition, the visitor walks along an itinerary that oscillates between visible and invisible objects and human forms, between presence and absence, following a kind of ‘story in sculpture’ which progressively introduces perceptual areas.

Informations supplémentaire programmation MAC
360° views of the exhibition


Visuel catalogue Daniel Firman

Catalogue Daniel Firman

Date created: 07/13/2020

Changed date: 07/13/2020

Avec des essais de Thierry Raspail (directeur du mac LYON), Emmanuel Latreille (directeur du FRAC Languedoc-Roussillon) et une interview de Daniel Firman par Hou Hanru (commissaire d’expositions et critique d’art).
Co-édition mac LYON / Galerie Perrotin.

Prix : 25 €
Lyon : Musée d'art contemporain, 2013.
204 pages, illustrations en couleur
Edition bilingue : français / anglais
ISBN : 978-88-6208-309-6



visuel fiche d'exposition Daniel Firman

Visiting guide Daniel Firman

Date created: 07/15/2020

Changed date: 07/15/2020

479 Ko


Press release Daniel Firman

Date created: 07/21/2020

Changed date: 05/05/2023

Size: 1,7 MB